Celiac College Student Survey submitted March, 2019
Food Service Vendor?
What stage are you in college?
Please describe your meal plan for each year there so far.
How many years ago were you diagnosed with celiac?
How sensitive to gluten are you?
Very: React to small amounts
How would you describe the worst reaction you have had since diagnosis?
Really bad
Does your college handle celiac food restrictions as you expected they would when you selected your school?
Not at all what I expected
Grade your college on feeding celiac students
Explain your rationale for that grade
They have GF options but they are not very sensitive to cross contamination
Check all that apply
My school is small and has only a few dining halls, I can find some but not enough food in any of the dining halls, I can't find any good options in the dining halls at all
Did you register with your students disabilities office for accommodations? If yes, describe.
I tried.
Are there resources (nutritionists, chefs, peer support groups) to help ensure you are receiving safe nutritious food? Describe
I suppose but it kind of stopped dead after a while so I just avoid eating there now
How many times have you been glutenized in your dining hall? If you didn't answer NONE, please explain what happened and how school responded.
2, Bad pains and N/A
Describe your biggest celiac challenge at college and how you manage it
finding GF food that I can have.
If you were in charge of dining, what changes would you implement to better feed celiac students? Would your school be open to these suggestions?
an entire GF section, so there is no chance for cross contamination
Did celiac impact your housing decision? How? Is there a certain dorm you recommend for celiacs? Why?
Your advice to new celiac kids for managing the dining halls? Favorite dining hall(s)?
Your advice to new celiac kids for eating in the dorm? Favorite snacks? Places that deliver?Van's GF waffles, Enjoy Life has good sweets
Your advice to new celiac kids on preparing before they come? Or doing upon first arrival?
Your advice to new celiac kids on managing keg parties and alcohol scene?
check your bottles!
Grade your college town area for celiac friendliness
Favorite places to eat in town or foodshop?
Folklore Coffee Shop
Anything else you would like to add?