Join our volunteer grassroots effort to make dining inclusive and safe for all college students with food restrictions. We provide motivated students with the platform and mentorship they need to make a difference!
GFF Student Advocates help shape our strategy and find creative, effective ways to increase awareness and advocate for change. Our current team greatly improved our college dining survey resource, launched our new Instagram, and partnered with food vendors for giveaways. They are right now working hard to:
Get more feedback from college students with food restrictions about their campus dining programs and help them advocate for improvements
Create meaningful content for our new @gfreefriends Instagram and manage the posting process
Monitor news sites for relevant stories to then share with our community
Encourage college newspapers to investigate what it’s like for students with food restrictions on their campuses
Collaborate with other celiac and food allergy organizations to increase our impact
Cultivate vendor relationships and run product giveaways
Continue to apply their own personal strengths while learning new skills
Ability to work both independently and in a team environment
Strong communication skills
Commitment to being responsive and up-to-date on team activities
Educated on the content of our website and social media
Always kind, inclusive, and professional!
Social media experience (e.g. Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn)
Comfortable with Google Workspace (e.g. drive, docs, sheets)
Canva experience (or willingness to learn)